"Ten Fingers" Body Parts Song

Okay, so who isn't tired of singing, "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes" (HSKT) with the kiddos? 

Sure, it's a great song, but I needed something else. I wanted something that is also just as fun to act out, and I wanted a song that included important body parts like arms and legs that aren't in HSKT...

As I often do when I can't find something, I just created something to fit my needs. In this case, it was the short song, "Ten Fingers." (Disclaimer: I'm no singer, but you can get the tune!) 

You can find a video of "Ten Fingers" on the fifth card of these Boom Cards until Feb 19, 2022. (Boom's system enables the links to work for a two-week period. If you're finding this blog post later, drop me an email for a fresh link.) https://boom.cards/fastplay/mwqw

If you're not sure what Boom Cards are, please take a look at my post from July 24, 2020.  If you check out the rest of my Boom account you can see that I make a variety of games for each song or vocabulary video to meet students' needs. Some have audio prompts, some don't. Some have pictures; others have text instead.

And yes, if you check out my blog, you'll see I've also created another HSKT type song, with chin, neck, wrist, elbows. And hair, back, fingers and ankles! 

Check it out here! https://boom.cards/fastplay/ki7y

If you use HSKT, CNWE and my Ten Fingers song, you'll be covering 19 body parts: head, shoulders, knees, toes, eyes, ears, mouth, nose, chin, neck, wrist, elbows, hair, back, fingers, ankles, arms, legs and teeth. The list is pretty complete!

I love to take requests, so please drop a note if you've got an idea for me! I'll give you a permanent copy of the final product if I create something from your idea! 

Thanks for visiting my blog!


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